General Topics

adherencia al tratamiento

Abordar el estigma de la salud mental para mejorar la adherencia.

Según los datos de la Carga Mundial de Enfermedad (GBD) de 2019, una gran proporción de la carga de enfermedad se debe a los trastornos mentales, sin que se hayan encontrado pruebas de su reducción desde 1990. En 1990, los trastornos mentales representaron aproximadamente 654,8 millones de casos, cifra que aumentó a más de 970,1…

Is nudging enough to achieve behavioral changes at short notice?

Nudging is a powerful tool in helping people make the right decisions without forcing them to do so. It has been widely used by public authorities to help the general public adopt behaviors beneficial to them, that otherwise they would tend not to adopt. In his groundbreaking book “Nudge”, Nobel prize winner Richard Thaler gives…

Pandemic outbreak management: a behavioral science perspective

Pandemics are not new to the humankind, and the coronavirus is just the latest (and most probably not the last) of them. A considerable number of the pandemics were dealt with medically, through vaccination.1,2 This was the case for polio, smallpox, rubella, to name but few. These diseases had been killing great numbers of people…